Carnivàle Lune Bleue invites you to spend a summer evening like never before. Journey back in time and immerse yourself in the magic and spectacle of an authentic 30's carnival world.

Carnivàle Lune Bleue is not simply a show; but a complete transcendence into a forgotten era. Once inside the main gate, you will be absorbed into the carny culture; a realm on the edge of magic and reason where your imagination will be stirred to life.

At Carnivàle Lune Bleue, the fantastical becomes reality. Wander beneath strings of lights, past colourful gypsy wagons through the sawdust midway decked with genuine hand painted banners and lined with staked canvas tents. Be in awe of the giant pythons charmed by their master and the palm reader who predicts your prospects; be horrified by the darker, grittier side of carny life and its myriad of human odditie

Capital Tickets

May 1, 2008
Carnivàle Lune Bleue's Vintage Carousel a Highlight of Tulip Festival

Ottawa will get a taste of the stunning attractions Carnivàle Lune Bleue has to offer when it showcases its magnificent vintage carousel at Major's Hill Park, as part of this year's Tulip Festival.

This 1930's Allan Herschell three abreast wooden carousel will be a highlight for festival goers from May 2nd to the 19th.

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